Saturday, December 20, 2008

Who AM I ???

who am i like in my family? that's an interesting question. i like you are made up of the sum of its parts (namely, my parts) and as such we have many layers. I know I have some interesting characteristics with certain men, namely my uncles Aaron, Glenn, David and John, and my aunts Gloria, Anna and Yvonne. I also have a fearful backdrop of gothic mythology around God and who he is and what he is and how he looks from my Aunt Freddie (Fredora), who was a religious zealot to the secular world we live in but perhaps ahead of her time in so many ways as we now see Christianity in our current time ~ anyway, these people make up parts of my self.

in trying to figure out who i am, i look at these people and ask: how much of me is them? what in them make me? what in me is them?

you will note that i am not looking for the direct relationship from my mom or dad, who of course also get some of who they are from them. or from their common parents as well. more of what they are explains, i think, those gaps in who i or you are. the quirks in their personality, the trials in their lives, are sometimes my trials.

i want to explore what they are and how they influenced me. o no doubt, they had a unique influence in me because, as we can see, they are me - in blood, in DNA, in lineage. they are who my father and mother are as siblings, and as branches of the same tree. it cannot be unmarried.

simplicity in knowing who you are rests in the complexity of just how many people you are.

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