Sunday, May 31, 2009

Justice or Peace?

And now there is this new choice to have to make:

It appears that the expected response to Judge Sonia Sotomayor is one that will be resounded by the public at large and bring down the Grand Old Party to its small partisian knees. It is an argument that's less about whether you believe in racial politics, or whether you'll take the bait.

The Obama mind works in strange but mysterious ways to some, but not to those who can relate to his central messages: that we have to get past our various political and ideological differences, most of which have no benefit or place for us today as Americans, to do what's best and most prosperous for the country as a whole. That means all of us get to participate in the promise that our grandparents and their parents fought for in the 20th century, a chance to earn an honest wages, make a decent living, provide squarely for our families (that doesn't necessarily mean take to Disney World every year, folks), and be protected in our health and welfare til our dying day. We all were born into such a system; why we now want to dismantle, even destroy it, is obviously a very misguided stance that doesn't take history or our welfare into account at all.

So by nominating this brilliant and well-respected jurist, Latina, born-in-New York City in the Barrio, with lots of federal court experience, corporate law and public interest litigation experience as well, by having no other recourse other than to paint an inaccurate picture of her as a racist, when in fact it's your racism that must be called into attention, Obama has put out an APB on the GOP: these are the enemies of freedom. YOUR FREEDOM! Remember, it was the GOP conservatives who scuttled immigration, mostly from the South. While some southern-tier states like Texas particulary has a border problem, others like the Carolinas and Tennessee are just full of rrednecks. This is the core, like Al Qaeda in Swat Province, who are the real raicsts for whom Limbaugh speaks. These are the ones, in their hidden valleys, who are spewing messages of intolerance against which Hispanics cringe. By nominating this jurist, the first Hispanic (or any legitimate origin, despite what rumors we've heard about Cardozo) from the traditional communities we all recognize as such coast-to-coast, the curtains have been pulled back and there they stand, naked to hiding, now visible for all to see. It's up to them which performance they put on for us.

In the meantime, we're just so happy we finally have a Hispanic woman as a Supreme Court justice who understands us as regular, good, decent people trying to live together in this cold cold world. Hola!

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